Writers often curse themselves for not producing enough. What is enough?
Write down what your day would look like if you were producing enough.
Can you do it?
You will write one of four things.
Day One: a reasonable day with a reasonable amount of productivity. Now, look at your current day. How can you bring your current day more in line with this reasonable dream day? Often, this does not require as much work as you imagine.
Day Two: an unreasonable day with a reasonable amount of productivity. Forget about this day, because it is not achievable, by virtue of being unreasonable. You must rewrite.
Day Three: a reasonable day with an unreasonable amount of productivity. Forget about this day. You must rewrite.
Day Four: an unreasonable day with an unreasonable amount of productivity. Do you see the pattern?
Almost nobody writes down the first day. They all have the others in their heads. But you have to keep rewriting until you get to Day One, when your life will begin.
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